I agree with Nina Simone when she said "An artists Duty is to reflect the times. " The backdrop for today rhymes with the brackdrop in which she said these words.
Edurado Frigatti wrote a piece that reflects the intense experience that we are all collectively going through. The title already tells us so much: "Elegy II - in memory of the victims of the pandemic of 2020." How often is a composers intention so clear? The above painting was chosen as a companion piece along with the following quote:
Dire was the tossing, deep the groans; Despair
Tended the sick busiest from couch to couch;
And over them triumphant Death his dart
Shook, but delayed to strike, though oft invoked
With vows, as their chief good, and final hope.
- Paradise Lost Book XI, John Milton
I realize that many people are very uncomfortable with the idea of death, and to have it so prevalent and all encompassing must be unbearable. For me personally, I realized early on that it cannot be stopped and that there are good deaths, and deaths that should have happened differently. We are living in interesting times where millions of deaths should be happening differently and it is this painful fact that needs to processed. This piece has helped me face this pain and anguish immensely. I hope it helps the listener as well.
Frigatti is a composer from Brasil. He and Vinicius went to school together in Curitiba at Belas Artes and developed a close working relationship and friendship. Where Vinicius went to Germany to further his studies, Frigatti went to Poland to study with Krzysztof Eugeniusz Penderecki. An example of his work can he heard here and here. Over the years Frigatti has developed his own voice that he describes his own poignant way:
My music is built from the particular-universal relationship that exists in every human being, as well as in the power of emotion as a way of communication between human beings. To compose is to cut the silence. Each sound that flows from my music echoes what is most intimate in me. Because these sounds are so particular to me, they also belong to everyone - they are universal. Therefore, I believe that my music is loaded with affection and drama. And I use different compositional procedures to capture the emotion that inhabits me and surrounds my thoughts.
Affection and Drama. I think that is the perfect stopping point until the premier on March 28, 2021 @ onlinekonzerte.eu.
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